Source code for pycmt3d.source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Source and Receiver classes of Instaseis.

    Lion Krischer (, 2014
    Martin van Driel (, 2014
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import collections
import numpy as np
import obspy
from obspy.core.util.geodetics import FlinnEngdahl
from obspy.signal.filter import lowpass
import obspy.xseed
import os
from scipy import interp
import warnings
from obspy import readEvents


[docs]class CMTSource(object): """ Class to handle a seismic moment tensor source including a source time function. """ def __init__(self, origin_time=obspy.UTCDateTime(0), pde_latitude=0.0, pde_longitude=0.0, mb=0.0, ms=0.0, pde_depth_in_m=None, region_tag=None, eventname=None, cmt_time=0.0, half_duration=0.0, latitude=0.0, longitude=0.0, depth_in_m=None, m_rr=0.0, m_tt=0.0, m_pp=0.0, m_rt=0.0, m_rp=0.0, m_tp=0.0): """ :param latitude: latitude of the source in degree :param longitude: longitude of the source in degree :param depth_in_m: source depth in m :param m_rr: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_tt: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_pp: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_rt: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_rp: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_tp: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param time_shift: correction of the origin time in seconds. only useful in the context of finite sources :param sliprate: normalized source time function (sliprate) :param dt: sampling of the source time function :param origin_time: The origin time of the source. This will be the time of the first sample in the final seismogram. Be careful to adjust it for any time shift or STF (de)convolution effects. """ self.origin_time = origin_time self.pde_latitude = pde_latitude self.pde_longitude = pde_longitude self.pde_depth_in_m = pde_depth_in_m self.mb = mb = ms self.region_tag = region_tag self.eventname = eventname self.cmt_time = cmt_time self.half_duration = half_duration self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.depth_in_m = depth_in_m self.m_rr = m_rr self.m_tt = m_tt self.m_pp = m_pp self.m_rt = m_rt self.m_rp = m_rp self.m_tp = m_tp @classmethod
[docs] def from_CMTSOLUTION_file(self, filename): """ Initialize a source object from a CMTSOLUTION file. :param filename: path to the CMTSOLUTION file """ with open(filename, "rt") as f: line = f.readline() origin_time = line[4:].strip().split()[:6] values = list(map(int, origin_time[:-1])) + \ [float(origin_time[-1])] try: origin_time = obspy.UTCDateTime(*values) except (TypeError, ValueError): warnings.warn("Could not determine origin time from line: %s" % line) origin_time = obspy.UTCDateTime(0) otherinfo = line[4:].strip().split()[6:] #print("otherinfo:", otherinfo) pde_lat = float(otherinfo[0]) pde_lon = float(otherinfo[1]) pde_depth_in_m = float(otherinfo[2]) * 1e3 mb = float(otherinfo[3]) ms = float(otherinfo[4]) region_tag = ' '.join(otherinfo[5:]) eventname = f.readline().strip().split()[-1] time_shift = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) cmt_time = origin_time + time_shift half_duration = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) latitude = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) longitude = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) depth_in_m = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) * 1e3 # unit: N/m m_rr = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) #/ 1e7 m_tt = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) #/ 1e7 m_pp = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) #/ 1e7 m_rt = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) #/ 1e7 m_rp = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) #/ 1e7 m_tp = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) #/ 1e7 return self(origin_time=origin_time, pde_latitude=pde_lat, pde_longitude=pde_lon, mb=mb, ms=ms, pde_depth_in_m=pde_depth_in_m, region_tag=region_tag, eventname=eventname, cmt_time=cmt_time, half_duration=half_duration, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, depth_in_m=depth_in_m, m_rr=m_rr, m_tt=m_tt, m_pp=m_pp, m_rt=m_rt, m_rp=m_rp, m_tp=m_tp)
[docs] def from_quakeml_file(self, filename): """ Initizliaze a source object from a quakeml file :param filename: path to a quakeml file """ from obspy import readEvents cat = readEvents(filename) event = cat[0] cmtsolution = event.preferred_origin() pdesolution =[0] origin_time = pdesolution.time pde_lat = pdesolution.latitude pde_lon = pdesolution.longitude pde_depth_in_m = pdesolution.depth for mag in event.magnitudes: if mag.magnitude_type == "mb": mb = mag.mag elif mag.magnitude_type == "MS": ms = mag.mag region_tag = event.event_descriptions[0].text for descrip in event.event_descriptions: if descrip.type == "earthquake name": eventname = descrip.text eventname = self.adjust_eventname(eventname) cmt_time = cmtsolution.time focal_mechanism = event.focal_mechanisms[0] half_duration = focal_mechanism.moment_tensor.source_time_function.duration/2.0 latitude = cmtsolution.latitude longitude = cmtsolution.longitude depth_in_m = cmtsolution.depth tensor = focal_mechanism.moment_tensor.tensor m_rr = tensor.m_rr * 1e7 m_tt = tensor.m_tt * 1e7 m_pp = tensor.m_pp * 1e7 m_rt = tensor.m_rt * 1e7 m_rp = tensor.m_rp * 1e7 m_tp = tensor.m_tp * 1e7 return self(origin_time=origin_time, pde_latitude=pde_lat, pde_longitude=pde_lon, mb=mb, ms=ms, pde_depth_in_m=pde_depth_in_m, region_tag=region_tag, eventname=eventname, cmt_time=cmt_time, half_duration=half_duration, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, depth_in_m=depth_in_m, m_rr=m_rr, m_tt=m_tt, m_pp=m_pp, m_rt=m_rt, m_rp=m_rp, m_tp=m_tp)
[docs] def write_CMTSOLUTION_file(self, filename): """ Initialize a source object from a CMTSOLUTION file. :param filename: path to the CMTSOLUTION file """ time_shift = self.cmt_time - self.origin_time with open(filename, "w") as f: # Reconstruct the first line as well as possible. All # hypocentral information is missing. f.write(' PDE %4i %2i %2i %2i %2i %5.2f %8.4f %9.4f %5.1f %.1f %.1f' ' %s\n' % ( self.origin_time.year, self.origin_time.month,, self.origin_time.hour, self.origin_time.minute, self.origin_time.second + self.origin_time.microsecond / 1E6, self.pde_latitude, self.pde_longitude, self.pde_depth_in_m / 1e3, # Just write the moment magnitude twice...we don't # have any other. self.mb,, self.region_tag)) f.write('event name: %s\n' % (self.eventname,)) f.write('time shift:%12.4f\n' % (self.time_shift,)) f.write('half duration:%9.4f\n' % (self.half_duration,)) f.write('latitude:%14.4f\n' % (self.latitude,)) f.write('longitude:%13.4f\n' % (self.longitude,)) f.write('depth:%17.4f\n' % (self.depth_in_m / 1e3,)) f.write('Mrr:%19.6e\n' % (self.m_rr)) #* 1e7,)) f.write('Mtt:%19.6e\n' % (self.m_tt)) #* 1e7,)) f.write('Mpp:%19.6e\n' % (self.m_pp)) #* 1e7,)) f.write('Mrt:%19.6e\n' % (self.m_rt)) #* 1e7,)) f.write('Mrp:%19.6e\n' % (self.m_rp)) #* 1e7,)) f.write('Mtp:%19.6e\n' % (self.m_tp)) #* 1e7,))
[docs] def adjust_eventname(eventname): """ Remove the leading char :param eventname: :return: """ import re mob ='\d', eventname) idx = mob.start() return eventname[idx:]
[docs] def M0(self): """ Scalar Moment M0 in Nm """ return (self.m_rr ** 2 + self.m_tt ** 2 + self.m_pp ** 2 + 2 * self.m_rt ** 2 + 2 * self.m_rp ** 2 + 2 * self.m_tp ** 2) ** 0.5 * 0.5 ** 0.5
[docs] def moment_magnitude(self): """ Moment magnitude M_w """ return 2.0 / 3.0 * (np.log10(self.M0) - 7.0) - 6.0
[docs] def time_shift(self): """ Time shift between cmtsolution and pdesolution """ return self.cmt_time - self.origin_time
[docs] def tensor(self): """ List of moment tensor components in r, theta, phi coordinates: [m_rr, m_tt, m_pp, m_rt, m_rp, m_tp] """ return np.array([self.m_rr, self.m_tt, self.m_pp, self.m_rt, self.m_rp, self.m_tp])
[docs] def tensor_voigt(self): """ List of moment tensor components in theta, phi, r coordinates in Voigt notation: [m_tt, m_pp, m_rr, m_rp, m_rt, m_tp] """ return np.array([self.m_tt, self.m_pp, self.m_rr, self.m_rp, self.m_rt, self.m_tp])
def __str__(self): return_str = 'Instaseis Source:\n' return_str += '\tLongitude : %6.1f deg\n' % (self.longitude,) return_str += '\tLatitude : %6.1f deg\n' % (self.latitude,) return_str += '\tDepth : %6.1e km\n' \ % (self.depth_in_m / 1e3,) return_str += '\tMoment Magnitude : %4.2f\n' \ % (self.moment_magnitude,) return_str += '\tScalar Moment : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.M0,) return_str += '\tMrr : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.m_rr,) return_str += '\tMtt : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.m_tt,) return_str += '\tMpp : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.m_pp,) return_str += '\tMrt : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.m_rt,) return_str += '\tMrp : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.m_rp,) return_str += '\tMtp : %10.2e Nm\n' % (self.m_tp,) return return_str